Pontelagoscuro, Italy – In a groundbreaking ceremony held on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, the Hera Group’s Potabilization Plant witnessed the inauguration of the Water Living Lab, a pioneering initiative developed through collaboration between the Hera Group, Medica Spa, and the Italian National Research Council (CNR). The technology is capable of removing potential micro-pollutants from the waters of the Po River, employing innovative materials derived from the recycling of by-products from the biomedical industry. This experimentation, a first of its kind in Italy, aligns with the objectives of the Life Remembrance project, funded by the European Union, showcasing a prime example of circular economy principles applied to research endeavors. Distinguished figures present at the event included: Alessandro Baroncini, the Hera Group’s Director of Network Infrastructure; Irene Priolo, Vice President and Ecological Transition Councilor for the Emilia-Romagna Region; Letizia Bocchi, Laboratory Manager at Medica and project coordinator; Manuela Melucci, researcher at the Institute for Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity of the National Research Council (CNR-Isof); Maria Cristina Pasi, representative of Water Europe; Lorenzo Poltronieri, President of the Ferrara City Council. Notable attendees also included Gianni Michele Padovani, President of the Province of Ferrara, and Professor Patrizio Bianchi, holder of the UNESCO Chair on “Education, Growth, and Equality,” underscoring the significance of this collaborative effort towards sustainable water management and environmental stewardship.
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